Our Honeymoon

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In two days, it will mark four months since we got married. Some days it feels like it was just yesterday and others it feels like it was a lifetime ago. I also thought this week, “Yikes! It’s been four months, and I still haven’t shared our honeymoon photos on my blog.” I can just blame it on the holidays, right? Let’s be real. It’s Netflix’s fault.

Since I blogged the “10 Things I Learned by Planning a Wedding” post, we got our own wedding photos back! Yay! I do plan on sharing those very soon, too. I guess I’m doing all of this wedding documentation backwards, but it will be worth it. Jamie Jones, our photographer, did such a fantastic job. It will be so hard to choose the one’s to share.  For now I’ll share our honeymoon photos to Cannon Beach, Oregon and Portland. Enjoy!


  • Kid behind us on the plane was named Jacoby! Kid was not as excited as me.
  • Tip: If you’re on your honeymoon, you get all the upgrades. We were supposed to get a basic economy car. We told the car rental guy we were on our honeymoon, and he walked over to the Ford Mustangs and simply asked, “black or red?”
  • Despite it being chilly, driving with the top down every chance we got.
  • Ate pizza watching the sunset on our first night. Pizza=romance.
  • Spent way too much time thinking we were watching a whale in the ocean. It was a rock.
  • So much food. Crab mac n’ cheese, anyone?
  • Went antiquing in surrounding towns.
  • Visited Fort Clatstop and then Astoria to see the Goonies house on our way to see SLOTHS
  • Our honeymoon shoot with our wedding photographer, Jamie Jones!
  • Decided to head to Portland a day early. Therefore we stayed at an AirBNB on our honeymoon. That was weird.
  • Got intoxicated off of two margaritas….then walked around.
  • Pine State Biscuits for breakfast= YUMMY!
  • Visited Multnomah Falls
  • Went shopping in the Northwest District of Portland
  • Sat in a local park for a couple of hours and talked about how awesome the wedding was.
  • Had a delicious swanky dinner at Portland City Grill. Best food we’ve had….ever?
  • During said dinner, eavesdropped on an awkward first date.
  • Finished True Detective
  • Dinner at Por Que No and then got donuts at Voodoo
  • Happily Ever After


Honeymoon photos: Jamie Jones Photography

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  1. These are beautiful pictures!!! I never could figure out where you were!! You’ll have to tell me. I love the ones of Macklin driving. So serious!! I’m just glad that we could see them on line. That’s a plus for everyone!!
    From one of Macklin’s favorite aunts,

    Maybe the favorite!!!


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