Family playing together in Francis Park in St. Louis

Francis Park Family Photos

Filed in Family  / 

Today I am sharing Lisa and Marco’s Francis Park family photos. As a family photographer in St. Louis, one of my favorite things is being invited year after year to capture the growth of a family.

Recently, I had the pleasure of photographing Lisa, Marco, their son, and their adorable dog at one of my favorite parks in St. Louis —Francis Park. It used to be our old stomping grounds when we first moved to St. Louis, and I have so many fond memories at Francis Park. We rented an apartment in a 4-unit before moving to our house, both which were in walking distance.

Francis Park is a GEM in the heart of the St. Louis Hills neighborhood, and it’s a location that never disappoints whether in the spring or fall. The park’s wide open spaces and gorgeous mature trees make for a perfect backdrop for family photos. This year, we were blessed with that elusive golden hour light that makes everything look just a bit more magical.

It was so fun to follow around their kiddo and all of his toddler antics. Of course he was full of energy and curiosity, was the star of the show, running around and playing while I snapped away. Parents are always a bit stressed I don’t get “the shots” when their toddler runs amuck, but I always deliver LOL

At the end of the session, we made our way to Francis Park Beer Garden, a newer addition to the neighborhood but quickly becoming a favorite spot for locals. I know I’m just jealous it opened after we moved from the neighborhood!

I’m honored to have been able to capture these moments for Lisa and Marco once again and can’t wait to see what next year brings.

If you’re looking for a park in St. Louis to capture your family’s photos, Francis Park offers a little bit of everything—lush grass, beautiful light, and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Please contact me to book your own Francis Park family photos.

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