Wild Carrot Wedding

JP and Michelle

Filed in Wedding  / 

JP and Michelle had their relaxed Wild Carrot wedding this past weekend on one of St. Louis’ biggest celebrations: the day of the Blues’ Stanley Cup parade.

We connected with JP and Michelle from the get go. I loved how they described their desires for their wedding celebration from the very beginning, so I automatically liked them. But after a couple of pizza and margarita dates, we are so glad to have went into the day being their friends.

JP and Michelle met shortly after high school before heading off to college, which is a very similar story to Macklin and I’s. Since then, they’ve made their way back to St. Louis and raise their beloved cats (WHO I AM STILL DYING TO MEET), Rangoon and Ravioli.

Wild Carrot was the perfect backdrop for their wedding day, and was very “them.” Everything was styled to perfection, which I expected with JP being a designer. They even printed an illustration of their cats for Wild Carrot’s poster display. Obsessed.

We spent the afternoon dodging Blues fans for some industrial photos, and walking around Shaw neighborhood for couple photos. There are so many cool spots in old St. Louis neighborhoods – you just have to seek them out.

Their Wild Carrot wedding day was filled with friends, family, food, and music. And really, that’s the best combo for the best celebration.

We are so happy for these two and so glad to call them friends! <3

Ceremony and Reception: Wild Carrot St. Louis  |   Dress: White Traditions  |  Hair and Makeup: Daniellestyle  |  Ties and Accessories: Lonesome Traveler   |   Design Work: Couple   |   Suit: Suit Supply |   Catering: Salt and Smoke  |  Floral Design: Krista Florista |  DJ: Drace Navarro  |  Coordinator: Jade Groene |  Photography: Jacoby Andrick with  Jacoby Andrick Photo

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